Web design is a synthetic discipline, combining elements of graphic design, programming and marketing. Good web design has three key components: intent, design and execution. Designers must understand the goals of a particular website or page, create a design that is both aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly, then execute the design to build the finished product.
• Earn your degree online from an accredited, trusted university
• Affordable, transparent tuition
• Military Friendly designation
• Tuition deferment/payment plans available (Ask for details!)
• Personalized attention from expert faculty
• Earn credits for previous life experience and work training
This program includes select online courses taught in collaboration with other colleges across the country through our innovative partnership with Rize giving you access to a wide range of incredible instructors and more flexible scheduling options.
Mitchell Frisby, Admissions Recruiter for Online Programs
330.490.7617 | mfrisby@walsh.edu