Below are many of our opportunities to grow in faith and experience the rich blessing of community:
Our two major retreats offer students opportunities to learn more about the Catholic faith, develop meaningful relationships with peers and grow in intimacy with Christ and the Church. AGAPE takes place in the fall, and VERITAS takes place in the spring.
![photo: Student group at Campus Ministry AGAPE retreat](img/agapeRetreat-2021-600x400.jpg)
![photo: Student group at Campus Ministry Veritas retreat](img/veritasRetreat600x400.jpg)
The Brotherhood and The Sisterhood, our men's and women's ministries, bring men and women of faith together throughout the week to grow in Christian virtue and challenge each other toward holiness. There are also gender-specific retreats throughout the year.
![photo: Campus Ministry brotherhood group holding up a tree](img/brotherhood1-600x400.jpg)
![photo: Campus Ministry Sisterhood group gathered in front of a fireplace](img/cm-sisterhood-600x400.jpg)
IGNITE is our weekly faith formation event for all students. Students gather at 8pm in the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Chapel for a short teaching, silent prayer or small groups, Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, praise and worship, night prayer, and Benediction. The whole night concludes with a social in the lower level.
Our CAVS for LIFE student leadership hosts our annual pilgrimage to the National March for Life as well as our participation in 40 Days for Life in Stark County.
![photo: Our Lady of Perpetual Help chapel interior dimly lit](img/ignite600x400.jpg)
![photo: Campus Ministry Cavs for Life group shot displaying Swords Up hand gesture](img/cavsForLife1-600x400.jpg)