Class of 2020
When I came to tour Walsh, I had no idea how incredible my journey would be here. In just my first two years, I have changed my major, traveled outside of the country for the first time, joined the Cross Country team, and made some of the best friends I could ask for.
I started as a psychology major but found my love for education at Walsh. At first I was nervous, but now I realize that I’m not behind and it has made me a lot happier because education is something I am passionate about.
I love how I am able to really immerse myself in my major through field hours. I’ve experienced all different kinds of schools — suburban, urban, rural, and more. It helps to encounter the different types of students you could be working with and it is neat to see the kids learning from you. One day I was at an after-school program helping a little boy with his homework and I saw him begin to understand what I was teaching him. I love being in that atmosphere because it really teaches you important lessons that you can’t learn from just sitting in the classroom.
Not only have I been able to study education in classrooms around Walsh but also in Uruguay. The summer after my sophomore year, I went on a Global Learning trip with the Education Department where I was able to spend time in different classrooms run by the Brothers of Christian Instruction, the order that founded Walsh University. I had never been out of the country and I was so excited yet terrified when the plane landed in Montevideo. We spent a few days at the school there getting to know the students. Then we went to Maldonado and spent the remainder of our trip at the Dionisio Diaz Center.
Because the students in Uruguay only go to school half of the day, the Brothers established this center for students to give the students a place to be when they are not at school, provide the children with food and teach different classes such as horticulture, art, sewing, recreation and woodworking. My trip taught me to look at the world with different eyes, to take in the beauty that God made and be appreciative of what I have while loving everyone around me. I also felt that the children taught me the how important it is to have a faith like a child’s. For me it was eye-opening to experience their innocence and realize how strong our faith could be if we did the same to God.
Being a student-athlete on the Cross Country team has helped me connect to Walsh as I feel like I am able to give back. I have been able to grow closer to my teammates, and they are really supportive. My coach works with us to make sure we are fulfilling our academic requirements. After all, I am a student-athlete and not an athlete-student. It was easy for me to combine the two, and I didn’t even have to miss classes to travel. However, I know that if I do my professors will be supportive and help me to catch back up.
I am also a commuter student, which can be challenging at times, because I don’t have the dorm experience residential students do. However, I like being able to invite friends to my house for a home cooked meal and some time to be away from campus. Studying abroad and being involved in Cross Country and clubs such as Campus Ministry Club or book studies helps me feel connected and remain part of the campus community. I love being a commuter student, because it really is the best of both worlds.
I know that I matter at Walsh because I always feel so welcome by everyone. But, honestly, every student matters, which is evidenced by the professors. They are so caring and you can always go in their offices and ask questions if you’re confused. It is really makes me feel like I belong when I see professors stop on campus and call me by name. The people here at Walsh are wonderful and always invite me to different activities and events and it is great to have such a big support group here on campus. Walsh has really helped me to grow into the person that I am today and I am so excited to continue to learn and grow here at Walsh.