Preparing to Arrive

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As you prepare for your arrival into the residence halls, it's important to consider what you made need for your home away from home. Below is a list of suggested items for incoming residential students.

  • Hangers
  • Alarm clock
  • Important papers (financial aid, driver's license, medical insurance social security card)
  • Desk supplies
  • Desk or bed lamp (Halogen Lamps are NOT permitted)
  • Stationery
  • Message board
  • Snack food
  • Basic tools (ratchet set for lofting the beds)
  • Telephone (there is one phone line provided in each room)
  • Linens for standard twin-size mattresses
  • Mattress pad cover
  • Iron
  • Stereo - with headphones
  • Small refrigerator (less than 5 cubic feet)
  • George Forman Grill
  • Microwave
  • Dishes
  • Posters and decorations for the room
  • Fan for use in summer months
  • Bathroom essentials

Items Not Permitted in the Residence Halls

Due to safety considerations, the following items are not allowed in the residence halls:

  • Candles
  • Any appliance with an open heating coil
  • Refrigerators greater than 5 cubic feet
  • Weapons of any kind
  • Halogen lamps