Welcome to the Office of Culture & Belonging at Walsh University, where we are dedicated to fostering an inclusive campus environment that celebrates diversity and empowers all students to succeed. Led by the Director for Culture & Belonging, our team collaboratively develops programs and services to cultivate respect and dignity among our student body while supporting the learning, development, and success of students. Through initiatives such as multicultural education programs, internationalization for the campus community, and campus-wide collaborations, we strive to create a welcoming community where every student feels valued and supported. Join us in our mission to build a stronger, more inclusive campus community where every individual can thrive. Visit our office or contact us to learn more about how you can get involved in World Student Organization, Black Student Union or Study Beyond.


  • Help students understand and appreciate racial, ethnic, gender and other differences.
  • Create opportunities for students to engage with peers of different cultures.
  • Expand student’s cultural knowledge and respect for others through programming, workshops, clubs, and events.
  • Communicate valuable resources and network connections on campus to assist students with college costs.
  • Advocate on behalf of underrepresented minority and international students in retention and student success efforts.
  • Monitor progress of multicultural and international students and provide support and align with resources for academic success and retention.
  • Participate on University committees such as Retention Committee, Strategic Planning Committee, Walsh United Against Racism, and other committees that support student success.
  • Outreach to community and share mission and vision of Walsh University.

Support Services

Culture & Belonging is dedicated to the success of Walsh's multicultural and international student population and provides various support services and collaborates with many other departments. Specifically, Culture & Belonging:

  • Serves as a liaison between the Academic Support Center, University Registrar, Academic Advising, Admissions and the Student Support Center.
  • Assists the retention committee in identifying and supporting multicultural and international students.
  • Provides resources for students to search and evaluate scholarships.
  • Serves as a resource to help connect multicultural and international students with the local community.

Cultural Programming

Culture & Belonging coordinates a variety of events to educate the University community on a variety of topics and cultures. Culture & Belonging:

  • Coordinates the celebration and recognition of various heritage months: Hispanic Heritage Month, Native American Heritage Month, Black History Month, and Women's History Month.
  • Coordinates Diversity Week, a week-long series of events to celebrate and explore diversity.
  • Coordinates and often collaborates in providing events such as panel discussions, speakers and lectures on diverse and controversial topics

Leadership Opportunities

Culture & Belonging is dedicated to developing students into successful leaders who work for the betterment of their community. To foster student development, Culture & Belonging:

  • Serves as a primary advisor for the Black Student Union (BSU) - a multicultural student organization offering students an opportunity for activism, student expression and leadership development.
  • Coordinates opportunities for students to participate in leadership activities, conferences and retreats, on and off campus.
  • Helps connect students with Walsh's many campus involvement opportunities.