Walsh University Embraces Artificial Intelligence with New Course as Part of AI Strategy

In a rapidly evolving technological landscape, Walsh University is moving swiftly yet thoughtfully to stay at the forefront of advancements in artificial intelligence (AI). The University has launched its first AI course, “Science Research Innovation Through AI Technology,” reflecting its commitment to integrating cutting-edge technology into its curriculum while ensuring ethical and responsible use.

This innovative hybrid course, available this fall and designed by Drs. Amy J. Heston and Neil G. Walsh, is tailored for science majors and other interested students. The one-credit-hour course emphasizes the integration of AI tools in scientific research and development, covering topics such as AI-driven idea generation, prompt engineering, collaborative projects, and the ethical use of AI. Students will acquire new research strategies, enhance communication skills, and engage in technology-driven group projects.

“This course represents a significant step in preparing our students for the future of scientific research and innovation,” said Dr. Heston, Professor of Inorganic Chemistry. “We are committed to providing our students with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in an increasingly AI-driven world.”

Dr. Walsh, Chair, Mathematics and Sciences; Associate Professor of Chemistry and co-designer of the course, added, “Integrating AI into our curriculum not only enhances our students’ learning experiences but also positions Walsh University as a leader in bridging the gap between emerging technologies and academic excellence. This course, among the others that are currently being developed, is a testament to our commitment to staying at the cutting edge of education and research.”

The course is open to all majors with no prerequisites required. Students can register for either BIO 410 or CHEM 405 to fulfill upper-division science credits. Non-science majors can also benefit, as the course counts toward the 120 credits needed for graduation.

In addition to this groundbreaking course, Walsh University is excited to announce that additional AI curricula will be rolled out during the second half of the 2024-2025 academic year.

Last January, Walsh University established the “Task Force Reviews – Artificial Intelligence” under the leadership of Dr. Mike Dunphy, Vice President for Academic Affairs. The task force is focused on creating a comprehensive AI integration plan with two primary objectives: educating the university community about AI and developing a strategy for the ethical and responsible adoption of AI tools across campus.

The initial phase of this plan, launched this summer, prioritizes academic initiatives, including the development of educational videos for incoming students and regular professional development sessions on AI facilitated by the Center for Academic and Professional Excellence (CAPE).

“AI is here to stay,” said Dr. Dunphy. “Walsh University is actively learning from early adopters and collaborating with other institutions to harness the benefits of AI in enhancing learning, research, and administrative efficiencies.”

The AI task force has identified key areas where AI can improve administrative efficiency and productivity, such as virtual tutoring, assessment automation, data analysis, and personalized student experiences. AI-powered tools like ChatGPT 4 omni, Scribe, Gemini, and Perplexity, ResearchRabbit, Scholarcy, and Elicit are among those being explored to create content and curricula, interactive learning experiences, automate tasks, and foster greater collaboration among students and faculty.

“As we move forward, we remain committed to continuously evaluating and adapting to evolving technologies,” added Dr. Dunphy. “Our phased approach anticipates not only cost savings and efficiency gains but also an enhanced student experience through personalized learning and strategic decision-making.”

View the Course Video Here